A short film about coffee, authenticity and the importance of caring about what you do.
Directed by Simon Edwards (srefilms.net) and Stacey Yates (storyteller.je)
With thanks to:Jamie and Dustin (dandycoffeeshop.com/), Rich Howel ( paindefamille.com) and the Cudlipps
Shot on Canon 5D mk3 with Atomos Ninja Blade
Edited & Graded in FCP X with FilmConvert (www.filmconvert.com)
Blackmagic Production Camera 4K in 24fps RAW + Canon 16-35 and 24-105 lenses.
Color grading in Resolve 10 with filmconvert.
Sound recorded with MKH416 and Sony ECM-680S via Sound Devices SD442 on Zoom H4n.
Directed by Agata Wojtynska and Blazej Pyrka
DoP: Blazej Pyrka
Aerial photography: Dariusz Bógdal (www.fotoznieba.pl)
Sound design: Dominik Pyrka
Make-up: Katarzyna Berc (www.brushwithcatastrophe.wix.com/brushwithcatastrophe)
Music: www.audiojungle.com
Voice-over: Rick (www.bankglosow.com.pl)
Grip: Maciej Szafnicki and Andrzej Szwed
Starring: Kamil Braz Ziólkowski as a victim of ebola
Camera equipment delivered by Mega Studio Warszawa
Lighting equipment delivered by Animator Film Lódz
Grip equipment delivered by Szafa Gra Studio Lódz
Power unit delivered by Hydra Film Warszawa
This video is about On Any Wednesday and FilmConvert
By Richard CrabbeShivers is my second collaboration with 22 year old Jersey Singer/Songwriter Frankie Davies and is taken from the forthcoming EP 'Dancing All Night". The film was shot entirely on location in Jersey, Channel Islands.
Director, DoP, Editor: Simon Edwards www.srefilms.com
Producer: Niall Mac www.stokedmusic.co.uk
Ast/Additional Camera: Anna Somma www.sommaproductions.com
Canon 5D mk3 with Atomos Ninja Blade
Edited & Graded in FCP X with FilmConvert www.filmconvert.com
Thanks to everyone who helped with the making of this video:
Francis, Billy, Pollyanna, Dan, Linden, Laura & Grace.
Fort Regent, Jersey www.facebook.com/fortregentjersey
Shivers Release Date - 01/02/2015
Order now - https://itunes.apple.com/album/shivers-single/id946111008
In August 2014 I had the chance to visit Bali for the first time. It is such a beautiful place with amazing landscapes and very friendly people. I will definitely go back !!
To see photos of the trip go to http://instagram.com/oftwolands or http://of-two-lands.tumblr.com
Music : Tony Anderson - Dwell
(licensed through The Music Bed)
Filmed with Blackmagic Pocket, Edited in Final Cut Pro X and Graded with FilmConvert
Directed by Will Harris Productions
Story by Jazzey James
@jazzeyjames - Instagram
Starring model Gwen Garci
@gwen8 - Instagram
Shot in Makati, Philippines
Edited with Film Convert Plugin stock KD 5027 Vis 3
The time of the year when leafs annoys you...
leaf blower guy - Andreas Jahncke
shot on GH4
Edit and VFX with Adobe CC
Graded with FilmConvert
A short documentary portrait about William Amer, a letterpress printer and instructor based in Rockley NSW, Australia.
For more information about William, visit www.willamer.com.au
Music: Dexter Britain - ‘Ideas’
(licensed through the music bed)
Edited in Final Cut Pro X and Graded with FilmConvert
Ad Brief for Smarties targeted towards kids
Graded by FilmConvert
Shot on GH4, C4k and 1080 96p.
Polo comes to Mumbai.
Courtesy: Royal Salute
Client: Pernod Ricard
Agency: Ogilvy
Creative: Ojasvi
A/c Mgmt: Arshdeep
Shot by - Himanshu & Viivek
Edit & Grading: Rahul Sagar
Music: Shikhar @ WavegateStudio
Producer: Sanjay
EP: Ashutosh
Shot On Red Epic-X
Graded With Film Convert Pro 2.1
FilmConvert FJ Neo
By FabiClips from:
Stillhet er også en lyd (directed by: Aylin Canales Campos) (1st AC: Tarald Aaby)
Pengetransporten (directed by: Kim Fjeldberg)
Fordi de andre sover (directed by: Irena Prskalo) (1st AC: Henrik Efskin)
Digital Love (directed by: Irena Prskalo) (1st AC: Axel rødningen)
Elsk meg vær så snill (directed by Kim Fjeldberg)
Graded with Filmconvert.
The rest is from personal works.
Thanks to everyone who contributed to making these videos.
Filmed & Edited by Daniel Jacobsen
FilmConvert Competetion Entry
Young new couple decide to take a spontaneous road trip to the woods.
Music: This Will Destroy You, The Puritan
Starring: Alona Vykydanets, Kelly Scott Bollmann
Creative Direction: Bethany Brill (www.bbrill.com)
Director/Cinematagropher/Editor: Jorge Cuevas Jr
Color Grading: FilmConvert
Spontaneously filmed during family holidays in the South of France. Therefore no chance to make fancy tripod or Glidecam shots... Good thing there was a boat though! I was crazy enough to film EVERYTHING in Magic Lantern RAW on my 5D Mark III, to improve my post workflow and to capture less redundant footage, with only 32GB per day. Had to buy a new hard drive after a few days. DNG sequence calibrated to VisionLOG, exported as ProRes422 HQ, cut in Premiere and finally graded in After Effects with FilmConvert. Gear: Canon 5D Mark III (with ML 1.2.3) Canon 24-105 f/4 Canon 70-200 f/4 Samyang 35 f/1.4 Pentax 50 f/1.4 Music: Josh Woodward - Sugar On My Tongue (www.joshwoodward.com)
By Michel KlaresCinematography competition 2014 Film by Nick Pat Canon 60D+ 40mm f2.8 Staring : Minh Hoà- Tru?ng Kh?i
By Pham An Trung
A group of incompetent villains kidnap international superstar "Lucky Pteranova" in hopes of making piles of money. However things don't go according to plan.
A Scope-Entertainment Production
Brief language.
Kirill Kripak -- Director / Writer / DOP / Editor / Producer
Nidal Morra -- Story / Writer / Cam Assist / Dolly Op
Louis Bako -- Writer / Cam Assist / Graphics / Boom Op
Marianne Gladwin -- Production Manager / DIT / Unit & Catering
Olivier Gheysen -- 1st Assistant Director
Katia Kripak -- BTS Filming / Music Supervisor / PA
Timur Khamitov -- BTS filming
Jimmy Reid -- Original Score / Foley
Olga Kirshtopina -- Special Effects Make-up
Alexandre Gheysen -- Production Assistant
Ahmad Laiq -- Location / PA
Robert Charles Tasker -- Lucky Pteranova
Brent Jenkins -- The Brain
Salman Qureshi -- Cog
Rik Aby -- Log
Nidal Morra -- Jeremiah 'Light Foot' Jones
Nyra Constant -- Sara 'Angel Wings' Hamdan
Yelena Tully
David Thirion
Imaad Siddiq -- Atlas TV
Yancy Beltran Soriano -- Casa Shamuzzi
Ivor Gracias
Ahmed Rabieh
Starbuck & Madam President
Video submission for the FilmConvert Cinematography Competition.
Created by Jairo Brito & Samuel Kihagi.
© Jairo Brito & Samuel Kihagi 2014
COLORevolution new collection of Gatta.
Work done with and for Madeinbrain Studio.
Final Cut Pro X, Motion, Filmconvert
Filmed on RED Epic with FilmConvert digital processing. Stocks FJ 8553 & 8543 were used.
By Mike LowtherSubmission for Film Convert's Cinematography Competition 2014.
By Jaeyoung YuA short film created for the Film Convert competition.
Color Graded with Film Convert using Kodak 5207 Vision 3 Stock
Starring: Eunice Kiss
Directed By: Christopher Phillips
Director of Cinematography: Christopher Phillips
Story: Christopher Phillips
Written By: Owen Woodard and Christopher Phillips
Music: "LoveStung" by Maria Hines
Shot on RED Scarlet
Edited on Adobe Premiere
Edith is Professional Trainer at UFIT Urban fitness Singapore, in the last two years she won many body building and bikini competitions. Her philosophy about fitness just simple, Earned but not given.
Shot, Directed, edited, color graded by Adevar (Voljox Studio)
colorgrading: filmconvert
second cameramen: Law Diche
Still Photography: Haji sopian
Song: i'm Fresh - You're Pretty - Date (using creative common at jamendo.com)
Voljox Studio - 2014
Luna Park, Coney Island
Graded using FilmConvert
Kevin MacLeod - P I Tchaikovsky Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy (Vimeo Music Store)
Film Convert
By Arrius SorbonneStroke her on the cheek and wrap her in your blanket. Kill her with your love. feat. Theresa Wee-Yenko and Kristina Pakhomova written by Theresa Wee-Yenko music by Kimiko Ishizaka from "The Open Goldberg Variations" licensed as Public Domain Film submitted to a competition organised by FilmConvert
By Dagomir KaszlikowskiShort film abou person who feels lomeliness in same place where he had felt joy and companyed.
Made for filmconvert compitation.
Shot in Brooklyn, NY Dalia explores some of my own fears as I take my own steps to start a family.
Camera: Canon 5Dmkiii
Shot in RAW with MagicLantern, except for 2 shots. I will be happy to answer questions about the potential benefits and difficulties of shooting RAW, and post-processing it.
Graded entirely with FILMCONVERT. I bought this plug in very early on in its creation, and I can
Winner of The International Film Convert Cinematography Contest 2014
By Benjamin ForemanVideo Directed and Produced by SIJI & Oluwaseye From my forthcoming EP, 'Sunchild', available for pre-order; https://siji.bandcamp.com/album/sunchild-ep The hopeless romantic that I am rarely ever wears my heart on my sleeve. That said, I nonetheless find it miles easier to unveil delicate matters of the hear in song. I count myself blessed and fortunate enough to have tasted and basked in the warmth of one of the most powerful of all human emotions, Love. For time and again I have been floored, crowned, emancipated and empowered by its might and majesty. Thus, I feel compelled to boldly sing, "This Must Be Love", for it has truly found its way into my heart. Edited in FCP7 Graded in Apple Color with FilmConvert
By SIJI AWOYINKAA boy recounts his childhood memories of his magical home that he was unwilling to leave behind. Ever.
By John LynaghColor graded with Film Convert. http://sheiffa.cf/
By Tomasz Schaefer
Kaleidoscope Jukebox music video Grumpy Golden had the pleasure of working on. "Infinite Reflection" is an interpretive story performed by industry professionals of both dance and movies.
Music: Kaleidoscope Jukebox "Infinite Reflection"
Gillian Lynn
Melody Cutsinger
Victoria Brown
Rainbow Starshine
Camera and Direction:
Byron Wolter
Jade Council
Melody Cutsinger
Indiegogo contributers:
Patrick Jessee, Ebeth Feldman, Jenee Michelle (Pur | The Company), Antony Dobrzensky, Roberta Stephens, Katie Dieter, Jeffrey Powell, Adam Ploshay, Scott Kellogg
Gillianna costume credit:
Juliana Burrell of AsaBela Aerials
hace 3 horas
Gillian Lynn
Additional funding provided by: Steven Ezzo, Jyotsna Kypa, and Ronda Byer.
film convert contest
By Cole GrahamTagbanua people of Calawit, Palawan and their beautiful place with Safari. this is a FilmConvert entry using grain of KD5207 vis 3
By Romeo FactolerinEditado e finalizado: Adobe Premiere, After Effects, Colorista e Film Convert.
By Kaio‘Film Convert’
By Alejo MaglioThis is the opening sequence of a new TV Show to airing in 2015. For the film look, we used for the first time the Film Convert plugin with a great result. Camera: Sony FS100 Custom Picture profile Lens: Canon 50 mm
By LucFilm Convert
By Robert SimpsonThis is my entry for the FilmConvert contest 2014; I created this video for the International Archviz contest 2014 organized by Cgarchitect, I used FilmConvert for for some shots and was very helpful for me.
By Aldo Garcia GuadarramaTitano! is a short film that tells the tale of an old movie monster who once thrilled the world until time caught up with him. Does he have what it takes for one final scare?
Shot on the Red Epic MX with Panavison SP prime lenses.
Colored in DaVinci Resolve utilizing the Film Convert plugin. We wanted to achieve the nostalgic and classic look of old black and white film stock for the story's climax, which was artfully and easily done using Film Convert's film emulation utility. Thanks for watching!
A trip down Grey County Road 1 in Ontario, Canada with my dad on Thanksgiving weekend 2014. We stopped just above Gravelly Bay, Big Bay, Skinner's Bluff and finally for a coffee in Wiarton before heading home.
Music by Podington Bear.
Stock emulation by Filmconvert.
WIth help from the great software "Filmconvert"
By IreneuszUsed FilmConvert for grading
By JohnA short film created to inspire men to seek nature and find themselves through Band of Brother's Peak Challenge. I used Film Convert.
Film Stock Emulator: Film Covert
Editing: Premiere Pro CS6
Camera: 5D Mark III
Director/Cinematographer: David M. Weiss
VO: Jon Specht
Producer: David Reddel
NGO: Band of Brothers
First Cut of the short film #OccupyVimodrone, graded with FilmConvertPro for the FilmConvert CINEMATOGRAPHY COMPETITION.
Written and Directed by Leopoldo Caggiano
DP: Leopoldo Caggiano
AD: Maurizio Muccione
Make-Up & Production Design: Eugenia Tartarelli
Film Convert
By Robert Simpson