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Black Magic Pocket Cinema Camera, FJ 8543 VD

A Journey through the stunning landscapes of Ethiopia.

By Leo
Panasonic GH4, FJ 8543 VD
Dreamlands. Oil Painting with Mark Harrison

Dreamlands - Oil Painting With Mark Harrison. Although not a regular oil painting demonstration this film portrays the development of an oil painting by Mark Harrison from initial sketch to completion. It shows basic working method and oil painting techniques, in this case a fantasy landscape painting called "Borderlands" for exhibition at the Illuxcon Art Symposium in the USA. The film was edited in Premier and graded with Film Convert by Cliff Wright of Eaglesmirror, filmed in Mark Harrison's studio and home, compressing the time taken for painting "Borderlands" into one notional day.

By Cliff Wright
Canon C100 Mk ii, KD 5207 Vis3
Party for 2

So much for a quiet night in. Graded using Film Convert

By Peter Schmidt
5D Mark 2, FJ 8543 VD
Blues man

On a short working trip to bangkok i drank beer in my hotel bar and saw Derrick playing blues songs. He had an engagement in the hotel and i liked how charismatic he was and the strange mood of the hotel. I had my 5D Mark 2 with me so I spoke to him and so we spent the next evening 3 hours together where i could film him. Filmed with 5D Mark 2, 24-105, Handheld

By Matthias Kraus
Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera, FJ SuperX 400
Ninni Forever Band - Tappaja

Music video for the song Tappaja by Ninni Forever Band. Starring Paula Nousiainen and featuring Marja Nousiainen. Director, cinematographer & editor: Anna-Mari Nousiainen Choreographer: Paula Nousiainen 2016 Graded with FilmConvert.

By Anna-Mari Nousiainen
GH4, KD 5207 Vis3
Britta and Jens

By stephane minardi
Canon 5D Mark II, KD 5207 Vis3

Short story about girl who's biggest love are andalusian horses.

By Konrad Karolczyk
Canon t3i w/ 18-55mm Kit Lens, KD 5207 Vis3
"A Yo-Yoist's Portrait"

A mini documentary about a skilltoy professional from the Philippines and the struggles accompanied by playing the sport of yo-yo.

By Hans Madula
GH4, KD 5207 Vis3

This first episode on three take us a heaven called Martinique, to discover stunning landscapes and beautiful people. Production : Music & Sound Design : For Air Caraibes : CinélikeV : Contrast 0; Netteté -5; Reduction du bruit -5 ; Saturation -2; Teinte +2 i.dynamique NON; I.résolution STANDARD; Niv. Master Pedestal +10) et une gopro hero 4 (Protune). Speedbooster monture EF, Objectifs : 8mm 2.8 Samyang, 14mm Samyang; 24mm 1.4 canon; 50mm 1.8 canon; 100mm macro canon; 70-200mm 2.8 Canon.

By Alize Studio
GH4, KD 5207 Vis3
Guadeloupe // “Bonjour Foulard, Bonjour Madras…”

Here is a short film on Guadeloupe told from two perspectives: the point of view of a tourist who discovers "Gwada" and the one of a local poet, Natichris. From the longing for a time that has gone to the search for the island's true identity, this film is a travel postcard that immerses you in the creole culture whilst taking you along on an incredible and picturesque journey.

By Stephane Minardi
canon 60D, FJ 8563 RL
chain of love.

'Be kind for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle' chain of love is an adpted story written by Jon Doe and Rory Lee. it was shot on Canon 60D and colour graded by fimconvert.

By nai gumbo
Sony A7s, KD 5213 Vis3
The "Archer's"

A short highlight clip illustrating the day Jeremy & Rhiannon tied the knot. Directed, Edited & Shot by Harrison Ahern Soundtrack by: Liam Knott

By Harrison Ahern
Sony a7sii, KD 5207 Vis3
FilmConvert Choppa Commercial

Short commercial I shot for my friend's chopper fabrication shop and his love for the motorcycle lifestyle.

By Adam Ruiz
Sony FS7, KD 5207 Vis3
Water and Stone

Ryan Scott Photo

By Ryan Scott
Sony NEX-FS700R, KD 5207 Vis3
Vauxhall Advert / Film Convert (2016)

Camera: Sony NEX FS700R / Sony NEX-5N Codec: AVCHD, 23.98p Lenses: Sony 18-105mm f4, Sony 20mm f2.8 pancake Editing: Sony Vegas Pro 13 Music: Summer Heat by Jason Shaw /

By jason bagherian
a7s, FJ Velvia 100
Snowmaking at Cataloochee Ski Area

DP & Editor: Jacob Sutton Colorist: Luke Sutton Client: Cataloochee Ski Area

By Jacob Levi Sutton
a7s, FJ SuperX 400
Erin & Victor Highlight Wedding Film

DP & Editor: Jacob Sutton Assistant Camera: Luke Sutton & Chris Pruett Colorist: Luke Sutton

By Jacob Levi Sutton
a7s, Plrd 600
Cindy & Nate Wedding Highlight Film

DP & Editor: Jacob Sutton Assistant Camera: Luke Sutton & Chris Pruett Drone Operator & Colorist: Luke Sutton

By Jacob Levi Sutton
a7s, FJ Velvia 100
Sarah & Bobby Wedding Highlight Film

DP & Editor: Jacob Sutton Colorist: Luke Sutton

By Jacob Levi Sutton
Panasonic GH4, Plrd 600
New Retro Hero: Space Hunter X

Witness the birth of a New Retro Hero! A meek young office worker is abducted by aliens and transformed into the cyborg hero known as Space Hunter X.

By John
A7rii, FJ Velvia 100
HCC Woodworking

DP & Editor: Jacob Sutton Assistant Camera: Chris Pruett Colorist: Luke Sutton Soundtrack: Chris Pruett & River Georgeff Client: Haywood Community College

By Jacob Levi Sutton
Canon 70D, FJ Neo
Half the World Away

Waiting for a man half the world away - A music video for the song Half the World Away, originally by Oasis, cover by Anna Fagin

By Justin Park
DJI Osmo, FJ Velvia 100
Agony Again

Being chased by an unknown chaser.

By Justin Park
Sony FS7, KD P400 Ptra
Sounds of Nature

Nature is a place where I find myself alone to think, to relax and to listen to the sounds of the birds, of the wind passing through the leafs and the water falling through the crystal rocks. Nature will be always a place to escape, a place that helps me(you) create!

By Andreas Psaltis
Canon T3i, KD P400 Ptra
Hard to Swallow

Animals will migrate to another place leaving us, noble humans, meatless. Unless...

By Marco Zamboni
Canon 600D / T3i, FJ H400 Pro
Studio C141 Club Promotional Video

A promotional video for Carmel High School's filmmaker's club Studio C141. The theme of this commercial is "storytelling". It includes Clair de Lune by Claude Debussy.

By Justin Park
A7s, KD 5213 Vis3
Coffee is Life, Life is Coffee.

When Coffee completely takes over your life. (Mockumentary) Directed by Oliver Lau & Nick Maciarz.

By Oliver Lau
Canon 600D, FJ 8553 ET
MOTA - The Calldown MV

MOTA - The Calldown music video.

By Nicholas Fletcher
A7s, FJ 8543 VD
Chasing 127 Seagulls & making a drone film instead of doing my essay this past weekend.

Chasing 127 Seagulls & making a drone film instead of doing my essay this past weekend in Maine. Beautiful Music by Kasbo. Sleeping in parking lots. Lots of Lobster Rolls. Lots of driving. Lots of fun. Additional Footage by Nick Maciarz.

By Oliver Lau
Sony A7s, KD 5213 Vis3
To a Distant Plain

Music video for We Raise Bears coming single. Loosely based on the Milgram Experiment: a series of psychological experiments on obedience to authority figures conducted in the 60s.

By Jose Miguel Jimenez
Canon C100, KD P400 Ptra
KNOWER - Overtime

KNOWER is one of the most vital and energetic dance/electronic groups in the world, so it was imperative for me as an editor to have a performance video that felt nothing like the average performance video, something that felt every bit as colorful and dizzying as the band itself. In order to do this, I decided to employ a number of 60's experimental film techniques, namely splitscreen and variable frame rates, but without upsetting the integrity of the performance by using shots from different parts of the set or doctoring performances. It was shot with five cameras running simultaneously, and every cut and corner of the frame is real time, down to the last note. FilmConvert™ was a huge part of that - not only was I able to very easily create a unique color and lighting scheme for each camera, but I could also really push the limits of each angle without ever encountering artifacts or crashing the software. And I was really pushing it, too! Each angle was saturated at 200% with highli

By sorenpersing
Canon 700D, FJ Prov 100
Sunset Days in Vancouver

This is how the sunset days look like in Vancouver At the beginning, i include one of my favorite quote "Hope is a waking dream" by Aristotle which means that to have faith and believe in your dream and have hope that what you dream will come true. Anything is possible!

By Andreas Psaltis
Sony A7s, FJ Ast 100

A short film about the futility of war.

By Pece zdravkovski
C100mkii, FJ Ast 100
Paul and Sommer - Epic

Epic wedding day with a little wakeboarding

By Jason
C100mkii, FJ Ast 100
Wake Boarding Wedding Highlights - Party Film

Epic wedding day with a little wakeboarding

By Jason
C100mkii, FJ Ast 100
Wake Boarding Wedding Film - Paul Liz

Epic wedding day with a little wakeboarding

By Jason
C100mkii, FJ Ast 100

A trek through the rainforest to discover waterfalls.

By Jason
A7S, FJ 8553 ET
Epic High Five

Two work friends are on a quest to find the perfect high five.

By Nicholas Fletcher
Canon 6D, KD P400 Ptra
Endurance Expedition

This is a adventure trip shot accross beautiful northern areas of Pakistan with a bunch of adventurers as they took on the challenge of trekking, cycling, crossing rivers, bridges and all the hurdles that came along the way.

By unknown
Blackmagic Cinema Camera, FJ Prov 100
Order From Chaos

This short documentary delves into the mind of a young artist, and reveals her struggle with a debilitating disease known as Rheumatoid Arthritis through a series of striking visual sequences.

By Nathan Wood
Canon 5D MKII, KD 5207 Vis3
Autumn Woman

Romantic short film in Autumn colors (graded with FilmConvert)

By Jan M. Larsen
Canon 60D, FJ Prov 100
ICON - Irene of Thessaloniki

A short documentary film showing how an icon is made. The process of creating an artwork of this kind is time consuming and it can take over a month from start to finish. The icon at hand is called Irene of Thessaloniki.

By Joonas Nieminen
5d mark 2, KD 5207 Vis3
when the wind talks to the cloud

one year ago i Direct, shot, edited, color grading alone this film entirely with Canon 5d mark II ML raw and its take 4 terabyte. the original film long almost 40 minutes but for short film festival i need to cut become 2 version, 20 minutes and 13 minutes.

By ade
sony nex 5, IL D400
salt of life

By outman akjeje
Alexa, KD P400 Ptra
Five Minutes

PRODUCTION Filmakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg
IDEA / SCRIPT / DIRECTOR Maximilian Niemann
PRODUCER Felix Faißt
DOP Chris McKissick
FILM EDITOR Fabian Gustus
MUSIC Daniel Elias Brenner

Full experience:
TOOLS: Avid, DaVinci Resolve, FilmConvert

By Christine Niemann
Black Magic Ursa Mini 4.6k, FJ 8543 VD

A stall on the side of the road gives a young man time to think. TECH STUFF Camera: URSA Mini 4.6k (shot at 4.6k 4:1 RAW at 800iso) Lens: Samyang 24mm T1.5, Samyang 50mm T1.5 Filter: Tiffen Black Pro Mist 1/4, Syrp Variable ND Colour Grading: DaVinci Resolve (using Vision Color Luts and Filmconvert Super 16mm)

By Alex Young
Panasonic GH4, KD P400 Ptra
Iceland 2016

A recent journey across Iceland capturing the country's incredible landscapes.

By unknown
Canon 5D Mk III, FJ Velvia 100

A music video revolving around the theme of betrayal, murder and heartbreak. TECH STUFF Camera: Canon 5Dmk iii (ML firmware) Lens: Samyang 85mm/50mm/24mm T1.5 Filter: Tiffen Black Pro Mist 1/2, Tiffen Black Pro Mist 1/4, Syrp Variable ND Colour Grading: After Effects (VisionColor Impulz LUTs, and Filmconvert) Processing: VisionLOG RAW

By Sean O'Neill
Sony FS7, KD P400 Ptra
Portrait of a Dancer

A short documentary featuring professional dancer Elaine O'Donoghue. Elaine describes her career as a dancer, her motivations, the challenges of the profession and her hopes for the future...

By Donal Canavan
Sony FS7, FJ 8543 VD
Roms de Manarade ( Roms from Manarade, Roumania )

Traditional wedding between a 13 year old young woman and a 14 year old young man This wedding is a part of a whole not yet finalised documentary about Roma in Roumania; Roms, are a traditionally nomadic ethnic group, living mostly in Europe and the Americas and originating from the northern regions of the indian subcontinent Filmed with a Sony FS7, mounted in Avid, graded in DaVinci Resolve 12.5 using FilmConvert OFX KD 5207 Vis3 and Fj 8553 ET

By Waridel Jean-Paul